Based on the Berlin Memorial activity we did in class, I learned that throughout 1933-1945, there have been 300 events that occurred when Hitler was Chancellor of Germany. As the years progressed, Hitler established restrictions that had a small impact on Jews leading up to the most impactful ones. One of the laws that had a small impact on Jews was "Jews cannot belong to German Automobile Club". Another restriction that Hitler placed towards Jew and had a high impact was "Jews over six years old of age to wear yellow star with word "Jew". This had a high impact since it made people that were Jewish easier to find and deport to concentration camps.
I think the monument was built to show the world to learn from their mistakes (Holocaust) and to prevent any event close to becoming like the Holocaust. It could also show support to Jewish people and the entire world to overcome the horrific event.
I noticed that the restrictions that were passed between 1933-1945 in Germany had a order from least impactful toward most impactful. The restrictions starts out with Jews losing their jobs such as "Jewish civil servants discharged from their jobs" and "Jewish teachers to be discharged" as if Hitler was trying to make Jewish people become unable to support themselves and their families. As the law progresses, the more impactful the restrictions become such as "Jews no longer allowed to emigrate".
Out of all the restrictions that Hitler placed, I think that not being allowed to have pets would be the hardest for me for muiltple reasons. One of the reasons is that you become attached to them as if they were family. Another reason is that pets can help you cheer up if you're having a bad day. Without them, you would be lonely and possibly depressed without them.